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Regional Distribution

We deliver substantial Sales Growth, minimise Risks,  save Time and Money for our Suppliers


Medical  companies have significant challenges setting up efficient distribution networks in EMEA on a regional and/or individual country basis. These challenges are: different local entry barriers such as finding the right local distributor, regulations, business practices, competition, medical industry structure, etc…

TBMedex SAS uses its strong sales network, Marketing,  Regulatory and Clinical Trial activities to maximise distribution of Medical Products in the EMEA Region


Cost Savings 

Having a credible Regional Distribution Partner means you benefit from cost savings. Fewer distributors means less work interruptions and charges. Cost savings are related to:

  • Finding and Managing suitable Local Distributors

  • Liaising with local official government bodies to register your products

  • Local sales development and coaching

  • Local marketing implementation

  • Access to KOLs and local patients

  • Making transactions routine. Exchange relationships can be standardized in terms of lot size, frequency of delivery and payment, and communications


Risk Reduction

As the medical export industry becomes ever more complex and competitive, you need an experienced regional distributor you can trust and help you navigate through these ever-evolving business environments.

Improved Efficiency

Your time is valuable our time is valuable!


  • An experienced regional distributor gives greater access and speed to MEA markets

  • One Contract (Principal – TBMedex SAS) facilitates communication and professionalism

  • Standard working practices can be developed to ensure time and cost efficiencies.

  • Free up time to concentrate on technical and training of local distributors

  • Externalize to the local day to day management to competent professionals who are local nationals

  • Reduce Administration and Employment costs                           

  • Quick Market Entry

  • Efficient Distribution Channels

  • Supply Chain

  • Patient Focus

  • Long Term Development

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