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What government bodies do and don't do for your export sales in MEA?

  • Do they connect you with the RIGHT Distributor for your Business?

  • Do they have an auditing system to deeply evaluate the financial credibility and sales performance of your future Distributors?

  • Do they Facilitate contract negotiating and signature between you and your future Distributors?

  • Do they evaluate your product vs. market viability in the MEA Region?

  • Do they assist you in defining clear budgeted objectives for the MEA Region?

  • Do they assist you in planning your sales development strategies?

  • Do they assist you in developing the RIGHT Marketing materials?

  • Do they advise you on the RIGHT marketing activities that lead to sales results?

  • Do they represent you in the local official bodies to register your products?

  • Do they assist you in getting Local KOLs acceptance of your products?

  • Do they help you to implement locally your sales and marketing strategies?

  • Do they assist you in resolving communications issues that could arise with your Clients?

  • Do they provide you with a long-term recurrent Business strategy rather than one-off opportunistic sales?

  • Do they speak the local language and know the local culture and Business practices?

  • Do they train you on the Business Culture and Customs of the MEA Region?

  • Do they provide you with an outsourcing Export sales service?

  • Do they save you time, energy and money and at the same time make you sales?

  • Do you get a good ROI from their services

If you answer NO to one or more of the above questions, contact TBMedex.

TBMedex is your straight forward Partner for your medical export sales in MEA

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