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How To Get Most From Your MEA Distributors?

As a Medical Manufacturer you should make it your business to forge relationships with your distributors. Many companies spend tremendous efforts to find their ideal MEA distributors but fail to guide them and measure their performances.

You will evidently enjoy a more productive relationship with your MEA partners if:

  • You deeply understand the markets your distributors work in. Cloning your business approach could be a fatal mistake. It is a highly case dependent to adjust your strategies and tactics, establishing a strong foothold in the market with the cooperation of your local partners.

  • You really get to know the challenges your distributors face e.g. social taboos, pricing, unstable governments, sudden shift in regulatory environment, accounting practices.....

  • You understand cultural/religious customs and local Business practices. Go in the MEA markets with your eyes wide open to the fact that you'll need to regularly figure out these factors and adjust your processes accordingly.

  • You spot the share of your distributor's revenue your products represent. Most of MEA markets are small with tight business circles. It is therefore difficult to find "specialized distributors" as most diversify their medical device categories to offset risks. Ideally, you want your distributors to see your medical products as valuable assets to their business not simply supplements to their products portfolio.

  • You motivate and encourage your distributors to do their utmost.

  • You encourage regular communication and visits. You may legalize these practices as clauses in the distribution agreements.

  • You encourage reactivity as an essential criterion for success in the region. You need to establish the right professional credibility with your distributors from the start in order to create a viable and long lasting business development.

  • You ask your distributors to submit on a regular basis reports and KPIs that you have to diligently review and share your analysis with your customers.

If you are not satisfied with the performance of your MEA distributors and/or you wish to motivate/manage your current distributors in the region, get in touch with our experts to see how we can help.

TBMedex is a professional organization assisting medical companies in expanding their medical products in the MEA region. The company provides outsourcing export sales, market and product distribution and distributor search and qualification services for the MEA markets.

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